Arnold Schwarzenegger Actor, Governor Letter from Arnold...
Patrick Klinger V.P. Marketing Minnesota Twins ““Robert Blehert is a very talented artist whose paintings are vibrant, exciting and different from the typical artwork used by professional sports teams. After seeing his paintings of Twins’ players Joe Mauer and Johan Santana, we knew immediately we wanted to use them as promotional giveaway. Our schedule poster featuring Robert’s image of Santana has become an immediate collectors’ item. We look forward to utilizing Robert’s talents again.”
Most Rev. Alex J. Brunett Archbishop of Seattle Letter from Alex...
David Lanz Contemporary musician “Robert Blehert has created a beautiful and timeless piece in his painting, ‘Dawn’.”
William J. McDonough President of the Federal Reserve Bank “My wife presented me last night the superb painting of our dog, Tiger. It is truly amazing how you captured his winning personality and great curiosity regarding all he sees. The look of the face and the positioning of the paws make one sure that he is about to race off to investigate some new object of interest. Congratulations on a fine painting which I will always cherish.”